Apex Balloon
Kyphoplasty Balloon Catheter is designed for correcting compression fractures and restoring vertebral body height.
Doctors should choose appropriate balloon for dilation according to fracture types;
Different OD of the sheath can be applied to different working channel to realize accurate dilation.
Different shapes of the balloon can adapt to different thoracic vertebra, lumbar vertebra as well as other types of fractures;
Used for thoracic vertebroplasty.
Minimally invasive operation reduces tissue damage and bleeding.
Simple and fast operation, shortening the operation time. Local anesthesia can be used to reduce the risk of surgery and postoperative complications.
Minimize radiation exposure.
Stop cement flow instantly, minimize the potential for cement extravasation.
Used for lumbar vertebroplasty.
Minimally invasive operation reduces tissue damage and bleeding.
Simple and fast operation, shortening the operation time. Local anesthesia can be used to reduce the risk of surgery and postoperative complications.
Minimize radiation exposure.
Stop cement flow instantly, minimize the potential for cement extravasation.